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An ant colony is described as a superorganism. These colonies are formed by the social interactions between individual organisms, which result in the collective behaviour of the colony being perceived as a single organism. This phenomenon is referred to as a superorganism.
As a biological superorganism, an ant colony appears to interact with its environment and engage in reproductive behaviour as a single entity, exhibiting collective intelligence. The queen ant does not intervene in the behaviour of its numerous individuals. Furthermore, the colony lacks a command centre that directs the behaviour of its members.
The apparent hierarchical structure of the ant colony is, in fact, a role-based behaviour, with no actual hierarchy. This phenomenon is also observed in Arichain. Arichain is designed in such a way that individuals occupying different roles can communicate on the chain in a manner that allows them to act as a single organism with a unified purpose: the survival and expansion of the network. In other words, it can be defined as a SuperOrganism Network. ARICHAIN has developed a novel consensus algorithm to overcome the trilemma, and a new smart contract processing method through DAPI to reduce the learning curve and barriers to entry for non-blockchain users entering the market.